Business consulting services for independent elevator brands
Here's why elevator brands need lift on their side
Whether you’re selling a privately owned business, divesting a subsidiary, or looking to broker a fair deal as a supplier, there are things a company must know going in that many do not.
- The dollars involved are significant. The value of a business often represents the bulk of an Owner’s net worth, the results of a lifetime of work, or a valuable corporate asset.
- Most sellers lack experience in business valuation and in the process of selling a business. However, Buyers tend to be more experienced in these areas and quite likely are engaged full time in acquiring businesses.
- The search for qualified buyers is best done by an experienced intermediary. We create a competitive bidding environment that ensures the best possible price and terms for the seller.
- Selling a business is an emotional, lifetime milestone. This is natural and usually a great sign of the care a seller has put in their business. However, these emotions can cloud judgment and potentially hinder the selling process. Lift Business Advisors allows the seller to take the emotions out of the selling process
- The selling process is extremely time-consuming for owners who are typically an integral part of an efficient and cost-effective team. Using Lift Business Advisors allows sellers to focus on running their business, keeping customers and employers happy, and avoiding degrading their product.
"In the end, we actually exceeded the baselines we'd set up for pricing."
Gordon Ferguson, formerly of Eltec Elevator, Seattle, WA, describes his experience working with the Lift Business Advisors team on the valuation and sale of his business.
Our Process
Because of the extensive amount of time and effort we commit to each seller relationship, we work only on the basis of exclusive representation. We will spend the necessary time to fully understand what you as a seller would like to achieve from the sale. This ensures that we focus on the steps best taken to help you get what you want. This is true if your intent is to work for the combined business or to exit completely and ensure good opportunities for family or key employees.
We avoid charging significant engagement fees that are assessed by the larger investment banking and M&A firms. We are very selective in the seller relationships we accept and Buyer/Seller contact is performed personally by principals of Lift Business Advisors, Inc. As a result, we are very effective in both negotiating and closing transactions as well as in maintaining confidentiality.
An interested buyer must enter into a Confidentiality Agreement with us on your behalf prior to receiving any information about your company including the identity of your business. We work to ensure that potential buyers maintain and respect this confidentiality up until a sale is completed.
Collectively we have more than 70 years of experience in the elevator industry and we have expertise in fact gathering, analysis and corporate valuation. Most privately held firms show minimal taxable profits yet corporate earnings are often one of the fundamental metrics used to determine value.
We have expertise in developing recast income statements that demonstrate the achievable corporate earning power of your business. We will generate an information package that captures the true value of your business and conveys this succinctly and professionally to interested buyers.
We have existing relationships with all National, Regional and Multi-National elevator companies that actively purchase independent elevator companies. We will make contact with as broad a group of potential buyers as makes sense to ensure that you benefit from a competitive process.
We also know companies outside of North America who evaluate opportunities for entering the North American market. In addition, we maintain a proprietary database listing thousands of potential corporate and private equity firms that are interested in purchasing profitable middle market companies.
We will work with you to screen interested acquiring entities to determine who should be invited for a more extensive meeting prior to a bid date and we will facilitate these meetings.
We will orchestrate this process and analyze the bids to ensure that proposals can be compared and evaluated for the best results for you. This includes leading the negotiation process for a Letter of Intent that preserves your interest and maximizes value.
Our active involvement throughout steps listed here also enables you to continue to focus on managing your business and your all important relationships with customers and employees.
Upon entering a Letter of Intent (LOI) the buyer will pursue extensive due diligence to fully verify and completely understand what they are purchasing and we remain in a consultative role for the seller throughout due diligence.
We are also actively engaged with you during the process of negotiating the Purchase Agreement. While ultimate decisions are typically made by the principals and appropriate advisors, we have participated in more than 80 different successful selling scenarios. We continually draw from this wealth of experience to recommend alternative solutions that can help both parties achieve an agreeable outcome.
A well conceived and negotiated sale must include detailed transition plans representing the interests of the seller that are also acceptable to the buyer. Retention of customers, contracts and employees are contingent upon a smooth transition and we will assist the seller to achieve this.
We remain actively involved during the first year post closing to ensure that the seller achieves the best possible results in securing withheld funds and other terms of the holdback.
In addition to representing sellers of independent elevator contracts and supply companies we also have significant buy side experience. If you are interested in growing your business through expansion of an independent elevator company can assist you as follows:
- Identification of suitable target companies;
- Entering into Confidentiality Agreements;
- Valuing the target company;
- Developing a proposal for acquiring the business;
- Negotiating a Letter of Intent;
- Building your plan for due diligence;
- Working with you in negotiating a Purchase Agreement;
Finalizing the transaction with you including advising on transition steps.
We specialize in a variety of services that help you maximize the potential and value of your company. Reach out to learn more.

Advanced Sales Preparations
In some cases, a business simply is not ready to be brought to the market. In these instances, we can advise how to increase both value and marketability. The final result can deliver a significant increase in value.

We are experienced in providing professional business valuations at a reasonable cost. We work with both your legal and accounting advisors to analyze and maximize the true value of your company.

Existing Buyer Transactions
In some cases, we are called upon to assist Owners who already have a Buyer and need assistance in negotiating, protecting their interests and closing the transaction.
Maximize the potential value of your company – Whether you plan to sell or not
Because we understand what it takes to make a profit in the elevator industry, we are in a position to offer valued insights to many clients. We can help design simple management systems that allow the owner the ability to “stay on top” of his business with minimal time spent gathering facts. We also assist in the preparation of business plans and act as a facilitator during annual planning meetings.